Benefits of Napping

“No day is so bad it can’t be fixed with a nap” - Carrie Snow

Fun Fact: Albert Einstein was a huge fan of naps. He would allow ample time for his body and  mind to recover throughout the day, and allowed himself 7-10 hrs of sleep a night.  

With the hectic pace of day-to-day life, may of us don’t get the recommended amount of sleep  each night. According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults typically need between 7-9  hours of sleep per night to function at their best. Getting a few less hours for even a few nights  in a row can have the same effect of staying awake for 24 hours. Over time, chronic sleep debt  can contribute to fatigue, increased stress levels, reduced attention span, and reduced  cognitive performance.  

One way to combat the effects of sleep deprivation- and repay sleep debts- is to incorporate  daytime napping into your schedule. The length of the nap and type of sleep you get during  your nap help determine its potential health benefits. Check out the guide below:

10-20 minutes

Reduces sleepiness: improves cognitive  performance; increases alertness, attention, and  energy levels; improves mood; imroves motor  performance; reduces stress levels

20-30 Minutes

Enhances creativity; sharpens memory

30-60 Minutes

Sharpens decision-making skills, including  memorization and recall; improves memory  preservation

60-90 Minutes

Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which is critical  for problem solving; helps make new connections  in the brain; enhances creativity; reduces negative  reactivity; promotes happiness

© 2016 The Institute for Functional Medicine

The following is a list of tips and tricks to help make the most of naptime:

  • Choose a dark, quiet, comfortable place where you can relax  

  • Try to limit the amount of noise and light in the room, and make sure the temperature is  comfortable.  

  • Choose a time that works for you, and aim to nap at that time each day to establish a routine.  You may find that restricting your naps to early afternoon (between 1pm and 3pm, or an 1-2  hours after lunch) is less likely to interfere with your nighttime sleeping patterns.  

  • Set an alarm on your cellphone, watch, or computer so you don’t sleep for too long. 

  • If you’re napping at the office, close your door and hang a sign that says “will return in __ min” 

  • Wherever you nap, bring along something that your associate with sleep. Some ideas include  a sleep mask, neck pillow, relaxing playist and headphones, a cozy blanket, warm socks, and  lavender essential oil to dab on pulse points.  

  • Keep in mind that longer naps may be accompanied by sleep inertia, or period of grogginess  that sometimes follows sleep. Give yourself time to wake fully before returning to any activity  that requires a quick or sharp response.


Gut Health and “leaky” Gut